Store Concepts
Don‘t leave anything to chance
Schulz Farben- und Lackfabrik is your point of sale expert. We support you with far-reaching measures to increase sales and implement them directly where your customers make their purchasing decisions.
Whether brochure or shelf hangers, handmade displays all the way to arranged residential worlds, the influencing of the customer on each place in which he experiences direct product contact must take place with the utmost care and sensibility – nothing should be left to chance! To bring all sales promotion elements in line with the packages that are in the modules of your store, graphically simulate the final concept in advance, uncover possible strengths and weaknesses of the concept, and exploit optimization potentials, we use a 3D visualization program.

Was zählt, ist das Ergebnis!

Yet what is proven in theory and convinces through high-resolution graphics, does not have to be the optimal practical solution in all cases. Live mock-ups loaded with packages and sales-promoting POS tools serve us not only as realistic training materials, but simultaneously satisfy our claim to have created an optimal concept according to your wishes.
Naturally, with regard to bidding, order placement and printed information delivery, we can also take care of the complete execution with external partners such as printers or store contractors.